Meet The Team

Ian Hayter | Operations Director
Ian has 28 years of experience in the insurance industry; he is our Operations Director and a Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute.
After leaving school, Ian spent three years learning his trade at a local insurance broker before joining Bakers of Cheltenham in 1990 as an Underwriter. He became a full partner in the business in 1993, having been actively involved in all aspects of the business – customer services, claims handling, insurer negotiations and increased operational and IT matters. He became Operations Director when the business was acquired by Towergate in 1999.
Ian joined JLT in 2008 and developed their bespoke Residential Park Home insurance policy under the Compass Direct brand. He was also responsible for ensuring the efficient relocation of the business to new premises in Gloucester docks and the migration of other JLT businesses to their new contact centre. In May 2013, Ian joined MasterCard as European Insurance Business Lead before he was approached by Paul to become a Partner in Paul Baker Insurance Services in 2015.
t. 01242 505846 e.

Jacquie Poole | Claims Manager
Jacquie has worked in the insurance industry for 16 years in a wide variety of roles, including sales, customer services and claims.
She was initially involved with life assurance, but on moving to Cheltenham in 1984, Jacquie became a claims handler, quickly earning a promotion to become a senior claims handler for a general insurance company handling home, motor, and travel and equine insurance claims. After a few years of bringing up her children, Jacquie returned to employment working with children with special needs within a primary school, which she found hugely rewarding.
In 2005 Jacquie joined Towergate Insurance, where she specialised in park home and caravan sales and customer service, a role which enabled her to become very conversant with park home residents and caravan owners. Her experience and knowledge earned her a move to the claims department and promotion to team leader of the park home claims team. Jacquie joined the business at the outset as Claims Manager and does a wonderful job looking after all aspects of our claims handling, which consistently receives very high customer reviews.
t. 01242 505849 e.

Jenny Stagg | Customer Services & Sales Manager
Jenny has worked in the insurance industry for over 30 years and is a Chartered Insurance Practitioner. She began her insurance career with a commercial lines broker, later joining a personal lines broker specialising in motor and household insurance, where she was promoted to branch manager. During the next 15 years, she helped develop a very successful caravan and holiday home scheme with Bakers of Cheltenham and then joined Towergate Bakers as a senior sales consultant. During this time, she specialised in park home and leisure home insurance and became a very knowledgeable and popular member of the team.
Jenny was one of the founding partners of the business and is a naturally cheerful and friendly lady. She consistently receives fantastic customer accolades for her patience, empathy, knowledge and understanding; she is worth her weight in gold!
t. 01242 505847 e.

Louise Johns | Accounts Manager
Louise has five years of experience in the park home insurance sector, including customer services, claim referrals and helping out at park home roadshows. She previously worked at Towergate and has an excellent understanding of what our park home customers need.
Louise has a delightful, friendly approach when dealing with customers and will immediately put you at ease with her charming and chatty style. Since joining us in 2016, Louise has grown in confidence, and she has recently undertaken a career change focussing on accountancy which she has taken to like a duck to water. She is taking her professional accountancy examinations and is now responsible for all aspects of our accounts, a challenging and critical responsibility which she does with a smile! As Mum to Eli and the owner of a very elderly dog, Louise certainly has a very busy lifestyle.

Sarah Risborough | Customer Administration
Sarah joined in 2016 and has settled in really well to her new administration role and proved to be a valuable addition and important member of the team. She looks after all aspects of customer policy and renewal processing, and with nearly 10,000 customers, that’s a lot of work! Sarah works on the lower ground floor, or the basement, which is lovely and cool in the summer months and now free of creepy crawlies – and even slugs which used to share the space with her! Sarah is smiley, friendly, chatty, and a popular team member.

Michelle Mortiss | Home Insurance
Michelle joined the business in June 2017 and previously worked with Paul and Ian at Bakers of Cheltenham – despite that she was keen to return – and even more surprisingly, we were pleased to welcome her back! A bubbly, lively character Michelle has fitted in really well working three days a week, primarily dealing with home insurance. It has to be said she makes an excellent cup of coffee which is always a bonus.

Sarah Swaby | Customer Service & Claims
Sarah joined the business in 2017 when she knocked on the door and asked if we had any jobs – we didn’t at the time, but her personality, desire to work and strong insurance pedigree convinced us to offer her a job and what a good decision that has turned out to be! Sarah is great with customers – although she can be a bit too chatty sometimes(!), she looks after all aspects of our customer handling roles from renewals to claims and supports the business’s home insurance side. A great team player, she is keen to learn and develop her skills despite the demands of her lovely daughter Bee.
t. 01242 505845 e.